QuickBASIC 3.0 Bug If you are a fan of QB and more specifically, perform numerous CALLs to external routines in a library (.LIB and userlibs for use in the environment), you may have noticed this bug. Often after you compile to a BCOM30 type file, if the program does perform CALLs to routines in an external LIB, particularly assemembler based routines, you may have noticed that the end product, often WILL NOT RUN. It might run for a while but often at the point where the first call to assembler occurs, the program locks up. It may even display evidence that a PORTION of that call is executed, but generally it locks up. Enclosed are 3 QB programs to demonstate this problem. Each makes a call to a external, asm based routine. These routines are in USERLIB1.EXE for you to use to run these demos from inside QB to see how they SHOULD run. Next, compile them in BCOM30 format and link with USERLIB1.LIB. They do not run, or rather since the bug is a little sporadic, it PROBABLY will not run. They will also run fine if yopu compile to BRUN30 format. The answer or solution is fairly simple: Rather than compiling to BCOM30 format from WITHIN the QB environment, either compile to BRUN format and distruibute BRUN30 with your program (which _IS_ okay to do with all versions of QB), or compile to BCOM30 format FROM DOS. Sounds weird I know, but if you compile from DOS rather than from inside QB it seems to work - I have never gotten a nonexecutimg using this method. Acknowledgements: FINDFIRSTF, GETNAMEF, MAKEWINDOW and FINDNEXTF are copyrighted by Thomas Hanlin and are available in ADVBAS on BBS everywhere. BOXES is copyright InfoSofft and is similarily avbailable on BBS -Gizmo The Information Booth (316) 684 8744 24 Hrs / 1200 - 19200bps